Cooking Classes

Ingredients for ceviche in a cooking class in Santiago, Chile! Fresh sliced sea bass, diced green and red Chiles, thinly sliced red onion, ginger, avocado, lime and cilantro are laid out on a cutting board in various bowls.
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Cooking Classes in Chile: Uncorked Cooking Workshop

Ceviche. Oh, my love for ceviche knows no bounds. It’s one of the dishes that I’ve tried up and down the continent of South America and have pretty much loved in all its variations – although some more than others. After having an ungodly amount of ceviche in Lima, I gave it a rest for…

A collage of photos, from top left: a finished dish of causa with vegetable garnish from the Culinary Cusco cooking class in Peru. Top right: two chefs assist the main chef in preparing ingredients for class. Bottom left: Author Malia Yoshioka sits with a cocktail in a chefs hat and apron during the cooking class. Bottom right: ingredients for another peruvian dish from class, lomo saltado.
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Cooking Classes in Peru: Cusco Culinary

In Cusco, there is no shortage of touristic sights to keep you busy – in fact, most visitors to Cusco opt to purchase the Boleto Turistico which gives you access to 16 sites over a 10 day period, many of them including Inca or pre-Inca ruins. And then, of course, visitors to Cusco are usually…